Gwen Tolios, Author

After bouncing around the world, Gwen Tolios has settled in Chicago to write and coax her cat into cuddles. A magical ace unicorn, she writes short stories and novels for anyone who likes to read.

Part of the queer community, Gwen likes to fill her stories with diverse rep and strong characters. She’s always on the hunt for more stories with asexual leads!

Gwen Tolios started writing in the 3rd grade, but didn’t land her first publishing contract until much later in 2018. Since then, she’s been published in various anthology and short story markets, starting with Water Childe on The Overcast, and most recently the story collection Fae Dreams & Other Schemes
A long time Wrimo, she spends every fall wrapped up in NaNoWriMo and co-leads a region in the Chicago region, where she currently lives.
Recording audio